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October 01, 2005

Hi, my name is Grant Price.

posted by Grant M. Price

This school year is my first time ever to go to public school. I go to a Mexican school for one class a day learning Spanish.

The first day when I walked into my classroom I heard my name echoed from about 15 girls and 8 boys-at least, what they thought my name was. They pronounced it vrānt. The next day was the same and the third day on my way to school I asked God not to let them say it again but that I was totally willing for them to. When I got to the classroom I braced myself and then... silence in fact so quiet I laughed and thanked God.

Three weeks later about 5 boys tried to STEAL my bike! (Luckily I had it chained to a post.) They yanked on the chain but fortunately my sister (Anne Marie) saw them, stopped them and stayed by my bike until I got out of school. (Pretty loyal, huh?) I have had many adventures in my school. I have enjoyed my first few months of public school.


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