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November 11, 2005

Success in the Field

posted by Tim

I must say that I never in a million years thought that I would have come to the mission field under the guise of doing business. I always believed that for a missionary to be in the field meant a life of privation and sacrifice to be a “successful” missionary.

To be sure whether you live with a large or small budget in a foreign country as a missionary you are definately an outsider, or feel like one anyway. Language barriers, different customs, and norms of living are only a few things that can give you that longing for a familiar surrounding. But praise be to God, going out in the field is a glorious endeavor!

He is providing for all the needs we have by using many of the believing brothers and sisters in the community. In a place like this as a foreigner, it is almost like a coming home because, as Jesus said when told his blood mother and brothers were looking for him, “ My mother and My brothers are these who hear the word of God and do it.” A place and time like this forces you to look past yourself and your own spiritual feeding, to be the Word you know as a witness to all those watching, and there are many.

We have seen two of our employees say Yes to the grace and life of Jesus! German is a young man who works as an assistant to the carpenters and our leather craftsman, and Erika is our very gifted administrative assistant. From our perspective, these came about largely through the ministry of our morning devotions, where we sing to the Lord and study scripture in a short lesson led by our pastor, Pepe, or myself or one of the other brothers who works here. Not only is it a great joy to see the salvation of Erika and German ourselves, but we have received confirmation from others, including unbelievers, the work is real...

German’s family are local business owners and somewhat critical about their son’s character and ability. His dad came to Armando, one of the Mexican men who works with us, and wanted to know what was going on here because his son is not the same kid he has known—he’s much more diligent, well-mannered, and respectful. Armando replied that it is nothing that we have done but simply the work of Jesus. Erika has found peace and comfort since her salvation, and the lift in her spirit is clear. She’s hungry for the Word and is being encouraged and instructed regularly, thanks be to God. I don’t remember ever working in such a place.

This is only a sampling of the blessings here. We remember regularly that our place is to do God's biding in this business. Many times His biding is contrary to "normal" business function and, by His grace, we have been successful to that end.


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