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December 27, 2005

My Class

posted by Anne Marie

Hi! My name is Anne Marie Price. I am 10 years old. I live in the small town of Jaumave, Mexico. In September 2005, my dad put me in public school for 1 hour a day so I could learn Spanish and make new friends.

The first day, I went in and everybody stared. The teacher say me in the front row so everyone would turn around and look at me. When it was time to leave, I was scared and nervous about what I should do when I left the classroom. Then my mom and my brother, Grant, were there. I was relieved. The next day, before class, while I was writing on my paper, everybody surrounded me to see what I was writing. There were so many children around me that I could not see anything but the ceiling. They were definitely curious. About a week later, some children in my class started giving me candy, pencils, pens, stickers, etc. One would give me a shell and then another would give me a bigger shell. I think they wanted me to be their best friend. Some times, the boys in my class say "I love you" to me. So they won't say it any more, I pretend to not understand them or just ignore them. Finally, one day, the teacher told them to stop bothering my. And it worked. :)
These are some of my interesting experiences of being in public school for the first time. It has been weird. I prefer not to be in public school but God knows what He's doing.


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