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December 20, 2005

Things that I enjoy about Mexico

posted by Grant M. Price

There are many things in Mexico that I enjoy. Most of the stuff that I like to purchase is very inexpensive. For example you could buy 6 donuts for less than $1! And you could get one bottle of coke, a snack size bag of cheetos, 3 suckers, 3 packs of gum, and "KoolAid" for $1.85! Cheap huh?

Another thing that I like about Mexico is the view. Pretty much anywhere you go, you can see beautiful mountains from right outside your front door to driving through them on your way to Victoria City. I know a lot of Americans think that Mexico is just a desert wasteland but it isn't. Sure, it's hot alright, but it isn't just plain and ugly. It's really pretty (and we don't just eat beans all of the time). Another thing I like about Mexico is learning Spanish and translating. Now I'm not bilingual but Hunter, my brother, and I speak the most Spanish in our family besides my dad. And the last but most important reason I like Mexico is because it is God's will for us to be here.


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